81 lines
2.4 KiB
81 lines
2.4 KiB
input_file = "input.txt"
# -1 is floor
# 0 is empty seat
# 1 is occupied seat
# Map represents each cell with [current_state,next_state]
# Would a dictionary be better ?
seating_map = []
def load_map():
with open(input_file) as text_map:
line = text_map.readline().strip("\n")
while line:
for character in line:
# Set every seat to occupied as its the first iteration anyway
seating_map[-1].append([1 if character == 'L' else -1, 1])
line = text_map.readline().strip("\n")
def run_adjacent_seats():
Run the cellular automata with the following rules :
If empty and adjacent are empty, seat
If seated and 4 or more neighbours, become empty
If floor, pass
game_stable = False
occupied_seats = 0
iteration = 0
while not game_stable:
for i in range(len(seating_map)):
for j in range(len(seating_map[0])):
current_cell = seating_map[i][j]
if current_cell[0] < 0:
seated_neighbours = 0
for cell_position in [(i+di, j+dj) for di in [-1, 0, 1] for dj in [-1, 0, 1]]:
if cell_position != (i, j) and \
0 <= cell_position[0] < len(seating_map) and 0 <= cell_position[1] < len(seating_map[0]):
seated_neighbours += 1 if seating_map[cell_position[0]][cell_position[1]][0] > 0 else 0
if current_cell[0] == 0 and seated_neighbours == 0:
current_cell[1] = 1
elif current_cell[0] == 1 and seated_neighbours >= 4:
current_cell[1] = 0
game_stable = True
occupied_seats = 0
# Should be integrated to the first loop to speed things up
for i in range(len(seating_map)):
for j in range(len(seating_map[0])):
current_cell = seating_map[i][j]
if current_cell[0] < 0:
if game_stable and current_cell[0] != current_cell[1]:
game_stable = False
current_cell[0] = current_cell[1]
occupied_seats += current_cell[0]
iteration += 1
print(f"The number of occupied seats when stabilized is {occupied_seats}")