Unity: Add Arduino handling code
Add the full working Arduino code for cart loading. Handle the UI elements, connection to the Arduino and loading the cartridge over serial. This code should not be shared with students as it is the full working code for the communication.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 258 additions and 0 deletions
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
// Handle the serial communication with the Arduino,
// the cartridge transfer and related UI interactions.
public class Arduino_Com : MonoBehaviour
private enum ArduinoState
// ======== UI ========
[SerializeField] private UIDocument ui;
private DropdownField _arduinoSerialPort;
private EnumField _arduinoState;
private Button _arduinoControlButton;
private ProgressBar _arduinoProgress;
private Button _cartLoadButton;
private Button _cartWriteButton;
private VisualElement _cartImage;
// ======== IO ========
private SerialPort _serial = new ();
// Probably should be left alone but give the possibility to change it in the inspector.
[SerializeField] private int baudrate = 115200;
private string _activeSerialPort;
private ArduinoState _state = ArduinoState.Déconnecté;
private string _cartPath;
private FileStream _cart;
// ======== Cart transfer ========
// Page data corresponding to the EEPROM.
private const int PageSize = 128;
private const int PageCount = 512;
// Page to be written out.
private Byte[] _pageBuffer = new byte[PageSize];
// Current position in _pageBuffer.
private int _readBytes;
private int _currentPage;
// Checksum a 128 bytes page of data by summing it into an unsigned 16 bits int,
// to be used either as a verification with a received checksum or to negate and
// send as the checksum.
private static UInt16 ComputeChecksum(Byte[] data)
if (data.Length != PageSize)
throw new InvalidDataException("Checksum only accepts "+PageSize+" bytes arrays !");
UInt16 sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < PageSize; i += 2)
sum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, i);
return sum;
private IEnumerator<WaitUntil> ReceiveSerialData()
yield return new WaitUntil(() => _serial.BytesToRead >= 1);
// Read all available data, up to the PageSize.
_readBytes += _serial.Read(_pageBuffer, _readBytes, PageSize - _readBytes);
// Full page received, check checksum and ACK/NAK, write received page.
if (_readBytes >= 128)
Byte[] checksum = new byte[2];
// There might be less than the two characters of the checksum available, loop until complete.
var checksumRead = 0;
checksumRead += _serial.Read(checksum, checksumRead, 2-checksumRead);
} while (checksumRead < 2);
// Implicit type of the sum is 4 bytes, so the overflow doesn't occur. Compute manually.
if (65536 - (BitConverter.ToUInt16(checksum) + ComputeChecksum(_pageBuffer)) == 0)
// Checksum valid, write it out to the cart.
_currentPage += 1;
// Checksum invalid, ask for retransmit.
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Page {0} reception failed, asking for retransmit.", _currentPage);
_readBytes = 0;
} while (_currentPage < PageCount);
// We are done receiving the cart, we don't expect more data to be received so the coroutine can return.
_currentPage = 0;
_state = ArduinoState.Connecté;
// Re-enable buttons now that the transfer is done.
// _cartWriteButton.SetEnabled(true); TODO: Not implemented
_arduinoProgress.visible = false;
// Update cart image !
var newCartTexture = new Texture2D(2, 2);
var textureData = File.ReadAllBytes(_cartPath);
_cartImage.style.backgroundImage = new StyleBackground(newCartTexture);
void Start()
// ======== UI ========
var uiRoot = ui.rootVisualElement;
_arduinoSerialPort = uiRoot.Query<DropdownField>("Arduino-Serial");
_arduinoSerialPort.choices = new List<string>(SerialPort.GetPortNames());
_arduinoState = uiRoot.Query<EnumField>("Arduino-State");
_arduinoControlButton = uiRoot.Query<Button>("Arduino-Button");
_arduinoControlButton.clickable.clicked += OnArduinoButtonClicked;
_arduinoProgress = uiRoot.Query<ProgressBar>("Arduino-Progress");
_arduinoProgress.highValue = PageCount;
_cartLoadButton = uiRoot.Query<Button>("Cart-Load");
// Cart buttons can't work if the Arduino is not connected.
_cartLoadButton.clickable.clicked += OnLoadButtonClicked;
_cartWriteButton = uiRoot.Query<Button>("Cart-Write");
_cartImage = uiRoot.Query<VisualElement>("Cart");
// ======== IO ========
_cartPath = Application.temporaryCachePath + "/cart.png";
void Update()
// Update the serial ports list so we can detect hot-plugs.
// Update state enum and progress bar if active.
_arduinoState.value = _state;
if (_state is ArduinoState.Lecture or ArduinoState.Écriture)
_arduinoProgress.value = _currentPage;
private void OnDestroy()
_arduinoControlButton.clickable.clicked -= OnArduinoButtonClicked;
_cartLoadButton.clickable.clicked -= OnLoadButtonClicked;
if (_serial.IsOpen)
void OnLoadButtonClicked()
// Don't allow arduino actions during load.
_arduinoProgress.visible = true;
// Clean up eventual previous cartridge.
if (File.Exists(_cartPath))
// Open the file, ready for transfers.
_cart = File.OpenWrite(_cartPath);
// Start listening to incoming data asynchronously.
_state = ArduinoState.Lecture;
void OnArduinoButtonClicked()
if (_state == ArduinoState.Connecté)
if (_serial.IsOpen)
_arduinoControlButton.text = "Connecter";
_state = ArduinoState.Déconnecté;
else if (_state == ArduinoState.Déconnecté)
// Set baudrate again here in case it was changed in the inspector.
_serial.BaudRate = baudrate;
_serial.PortName = _activeSerialPort;
if (!_serial.IsOpen)
Debug.Log("Failed to connect to serial");
// TODO: Wait ~2s for Arduino startup
_arduinoControlButton.text = "Déconnecter";
// _cartWriteButton.SetEnabled(true); TODO: Not implemented
_state = ArduinoState.Connecté;
// The serial port should not be changeable when connected.
void OnNewSerialPort(ChangeEvent<string> newPort)
if (Equals(newPort.newValue, _activeSerialPort))
_activeSerialPort = newPort.newValue;
// Might be a slight race condition here if a port is removed in-between updates when clicked, so check anyway.
_state = SerialPort.GetPortNames().Contains(newPort.newValue) ? ArduinoState.Déconnecté : ArduinoState.Invalide;
_arduinoControlButton.SetEnabled(_state != ArduinoState.Invalide);
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