The project setup contains README, LICENSE, the full UI and materials. The PICO-8 side is wired up, but all the Arduino code is absent as I need to figure out how to carve it out for the students.
90 lines
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90 lines
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using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
// This class starts and monitors the PICO-8 process, updating the UI.
public class PICO8_Handler : MonoBehaviour
private enum PicoState
private PicoState _state = PicoState.Inactif;
[SerializeField] [NotNull] public string pico8ExePath;
private Process _pico8 = new ();
[SerializeField] private UIDocument ui;
private EnumField _picoState;
private Button _picoControlButton;
void Start()
// Connect the UI
var uiRoot = ui.rootVisualElement;
_picoControlButton = uiRoot.Query<Button>("PICO-Button");
_picoControlButton.clickable.clicked += OnButtonClick;
_picoState = uiRoot.Query<EnumField>("PICO-State");
// Setup the PICO-8 process : run windowed with the cart in the temporary path.
_pico8.StartInfo.Arguments = "-windowed 1 -run cart.png";
_pico8.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.temporaryCachePath;
_pico8.StartInfo.FileName = pico8ExePath;
if (!File.Exists(pico8ExePath))
_state = PicoState.Inaccessible;
Debug.LogError("No PICO-8 executable provided !");
_picoState.value = _state;
void Update()
if (_state == PicoState.Inaccessible)
// Check if the user has exited the PICO-8 manually
if (_state == PicoState.Actif && _pico8.HasExited)
_state = PicoState.Inactif;
_picoControlButton.text = "Lancer";
_picoState.value = _state;
private void OnDestroy()
if (_state == PicoState.Actif)
_picoControlButton.clickable.clicked -= OnButtonClick;
private void OnButtonClick()
if (_state == PicoState.Inactif)
_state = PicoState.Actif;
_picoControlButton.text = "Arrêter";
else if (_state == PicoState.Actif)
_state = PicoState.Inactif;
_picoControlButton.text = "Lancer";