Fork 0
Teo-CD f34d81ad87 Setup project, only UI and basic code
The project setup contains README, LICENSE, the full UI and materials.
The PICO-8 side is wired up, but all the Arduino code is absent as
I need to figure out how to carve it out for the students.
2023-11-12 20:59:38 +00:00

93 lines
1.3 KiB

%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:
--- !u!126 &1
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
serializedVersion: 2
- name: Walkable
cost: 1
- name: Not Walkable
cost: 1
- name: Jump
cost: 2
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
- name:
cost: 1
m_LastAgentTypeID: -887442657
- serializedVersion: 2
agentTypeID: 0
agentRadius: 0.5
agentHeight: 2
agentSlope: 45
agentClimb: 0.75
ledgeDropHeight: 0
maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0
minRegionArea: 2
manualCellSize: 0
cellSize: 0.16666667
manualTileSize: 0
tileSize: 256
accuratePlacement: 0
maxJobWorkers: 0
preserveTilesOutsideBounds: 0
m_Flags: 0
- Humanoid