{% extends "base_page" %} {% block scripts %} {% if user.logged_in == true and not user.is_admin %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {#{% import "week_change_arrows" as week_macro %}#} {# For some reason the import does not work ? Figure it out at some point... #} {%- macro display(display_character, to, enabled) -%} {%- set class = "week_change" -%} {%- if enabled == true %} {% set target = ("href=/" ~ to) %} {%- else -%} {% set class = class ~ " week_change_hidden" -%} {% set target = "" %} {%- endif -%} {%- if enabled == true -%}{{- display_character -}}{%- endif -%} {%- endmacro display -%} {# Remove the form if all votes are locked, to reduce confusion. #} {% set lock_truth_form = vote_data.votes | length + 1 == truths | length and week_data.is_last_week != true %} {% block body %} {# Apparently needs to be inside the block ? #} {% set back_arrow_enabled = week_data.number > 1 %} {% set next_arrow_enabled = (week_data.is_last_week != true or user.is_admin == true) %} {% set next_arrow_href = (week_data.number + 1) %} {% if user.is_admin == true %} {% set next_arrow_href = next_arrow_href ~ "/create" %} {% set next_arrow_chara = '⥅' %} {% else %} {% set next_arrow_chara = '⟹' %} {% endif %}