// const names = ["Bystus", "Dory", "Fen", "Lucky", "Nico", "Peran", "trot"] // // // let data = []; // for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // data.push({ // parsing: true, // label: names[i], // data: Array.from(keys, () => Math.round(Math.random()*1.33))}) // } async function main() { const vote_response = await fetch(document.URL+"/votes"); if (!vote_response.ok) { return; } const keys = ["Vérité 1", "Vérité 2", "Vérité 3", "Vérité 4", "Vérité 5", "Vérité 6", "Vérité 7"] let datasets = [] try { const vote_data = (await vote_response.json()).votes; for (let player in vote_data) { datasets.push({ parsing: true, label: player, data: vote_data[player], }) } } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to parse vote data : \n\t" + error.message); return; } // Sort by label to maintain the same graph order, as it goes through a hash map in the backend. datasets.sort((a, b) => a.label > b.label) const chart_canvas = document.getElementById("vote_chart") let chart function create_chart(keys, data) { let main_axis; let aspect_ratio; // TODO: Move to the event, to check and not re-create for no reason. if (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) { main_axis = 'x' aspect_ratio = 2 } else { main_axis = 'y' aspect_ratio = 0.5 } if ( chart ) { chart.destroy() } chart = new Chart(chart_canvas, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: keys, datasets: data, }, options: { aspectRatio: aspect_ratio, indexAxis: main_axis, grouped: true, scales: { x: { stacked: true }, y: { stacked: true } } } }) } function update_chart_ratio(_) { create_chart(keys, datasets) } const orientation_query = matchMedia("screen and (orientation:portrait)"); orientation_query.onchange = update_chart_ratio create_chart(keys, datasets) } main().then()