Title: About Date: 2020-05-31 19:41 Slug: about lang: en toc_run: false # Welcome ! ## This website The idea behing this website is to be a place where I can share my experiments, issues, how I resolved them, essays, thoughts and anything else that could be useful for anyone other than me. (Which could be myself from the future!). Thus I chose to make it a blog (the sources of which can be found [here](https://git.tfk-astrodome.net/Teo-CD/TFK-Blog)) which might not be well structued or planned but -- idealy -- at least organized by category/theme ! ## This guy I'm trotFunky (Shortened `trot`. Or Téo, but trotFunky is alright). I'm a French guy, born in 1998 (That's easier to keep updated than an age), (soon to be) gratuated from l'[Institut Polytechnique de Paris](https://www.ip-paris.fr) who likes to tinker, code and play tabletop RPGs. Low-level programmer at the robotics club INTech for three years. Apparently, a blogger. ## Astrodome ? What a strange name ! Merriam-Webster defines an "astrodome" as follows : > A transparent dome in the upper surface of an airplane from within which the navigator makes celestial observations I chose this noun for my URL as I picture my different services as multiple stars in galaxy/constellation that is mine. The Astrodome allows observing this constellation !